Archive | November, 2013


While I find the idea of Lincoln being a vampire hunter intriguing, and the metaphors of good verses evil make Lincoln the ideal president to use for this story. Some of the real life facts are a bit misconstrued. Overall they did a good job of incorporating fact with fiction. I expected a much “hokier” […]


Interview with the Vampire:  Brad Pitt plays the part of Louis but in my opinion is over shadowed by the role of Claudia played by a very young Kristen Dunst. I remember seeing the movie and saying “who ever plays the young girl vampire, she will be a star someday”. In 1970, while Anne Rice […]


Underworld: If your in the mood for an action packed film with a female ‘heroine’ (played by Kate Beckinsale) and have not seen any of the Underworld series, these are just the ticket you need. Maybe you’ve had a bad day or or would love to take out your aggressions whatever they may be. When […]

Mina & Vlad

Bram Stoker’s Dracula, is probably the closest to the true Count Dracula story. It’s the story of Mina and Vlad and how it all came to be. Their undying love for one another. And the inevitable draw towards one another beyond normal boundaries. In 1462, Vlad Dracula, a member of the Order of the Dragon, returns […]

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